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Tarot Reading

What does the Universe want you to know right now? Dive into the magic of tarot with a personalized reading! This is a practice offering that is priced and designed to allow me to refine my skills while also providing you with messages from the Universe.

Price: $3.33

What’s Included:

  • A 10-15 min personalized Tarot card reading; 5-10 cards drawn depending on how much the Universe has to say. 
  • Written explanations of each card drawn.
  • My intuitive interpretations of the messages within the card spread.
  • Photo attachments of card spread & my journal page of the reading.

What To Expect:

  • When booking your reading you may specify any specific questions you have. If no specific question, reading will be “What does the Universe want you to know right now.”
  • Your reading will be delivered via email within 48 hours.
  • Each reading is intended to provide clarity, guidance, or confirmation about your present situation or question.

Feedback Encouraged!

After you receive your reading, I would love to hear back from you about what resonated with you! This helps me grow and improve my tarot practice.

Do you have a specific question or topic in mind?

Token of Appreciation

Whether you’d like to tip for a tarot reading or simply would like to buy me a virtual cup of coffee, your support means the world to me. It helps me continue sharing my passions and offering these services to others. After clicking ‘Buy Now’, you’ll be able to choose the amount you’d like to give on the next page.

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